SOLANA BEACH, CALIFORNIA - A new tool has been given to photographers. Like many, I was on the fence about it. Would this be the end of photography as we know it? Of course, I am talking about A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).
Adobe rolled out this tool for Photoshop, and like many, I must confess, I hated it. But when I put my hands on it and started seeing what you can do with it for photography, my mind changed. I honestly thought that the way we did photography was going to end. The experience of going out into the wilderness was going to be robbed from our customers. I was so ignorant.
Take this photoshoot with Alaina and Jonathan. At this point, I had already been experimenting with the A.I. tool in previous shoots. But this was the first shoot that required I use it. Originally, Alaina wanted to photograph in Laguna Beach's Victoria Beach Pirate Tower. But as I mentioned to her, we don't travel out of San Diego County and locations like that usually mean there is a long line of photographers who are waiting to photograph there. It's not worth the trip. So I convinced her to trust me. I used the Generative Fill to have A.I. create castles in an otherwise normal San Diegan beach. The results were remarkable. This is a tool that has become part of my photography. I love it.
By the way, Alaina and Jonathan loved the shoot and the results!