We arrived at the apartments where Vanessa lived in Oceanside. She greeted us at the parking lot and guided us through the maze of pathways and walkways to reach her home. Her mom greeted us, and our friend Celeste welcomed us as she worked on Vanessa's mom. Celeste was hired to do Hair and Makeup for the women in the family.
After assisting my wife and co-photographer, Maria, I headed to San Diego to meet up with Luis. I drove through the lively barrio-like neighborhood. The morning Mexican restaurants were opening, and lines of workers were starting their day by waiting for champurrados, tamales, and mole. I wanted to stop myself, but I had to reach my groom who awaited me in his garage. We walked up to a two-story house where the life inside seemed to mirror the bustling life outside. Full of happiness and activity, with mothers attending to kids and breakfast, cousins and nephews getting dressed and searching for combs. Meanwhile, Luis remained calm and composed, as most grooms tend to be.